Wednesday, November 4, 2009

light moments

This Christmas season, more than any in the past, I was looking forward to the holidays. Or should I say Advent? That may seem ironic to those who know that we have had deaths in the family this year. But, for that reason, I felt a need to make the memories count. I'm a purposeful kind of person. I usually don't just let things happen. Well, I think I am that + steroids now....or something like that. I wanted to make every Christmas craft I could think of, make every memory possible with the kids. I had to be careful not to plan everything, or I might have missed out on some spontaneous fun!

I researched the Advent observance, which I knew little of before now. I was so excited to make a wreath with my kids and count down to Christmas with them. Jason and I both loved the family devotions. I'm so looking forward to next year (already). We have Jotham's Journey to read and I may look into the Jesse tree. We used these devotions for Advent 2009. They had to be modified, but I loved sitting down each Sunday evening to talk about the meaning of each candle and the symbolism. It puts a face to the celebration for kids and grown-ups.