Thursday, May 13, 2010

I'm a Billy Goat

Well, I declare! I don't know what's up with this boy o' mine.
He dressed himself up in this bathing suit with heels on and said, "I'm a billy goat." Freaky!

Handprint Table

I'm getting sentimental in my "old" age!


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Mother's Day Craft

I'm planning to make this for Mother's Day to give to Mawmaw and Grammy.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Soccer 2010

I liked this *artsy* shot of Hannah workin' the ball toward the goal and goalie!

Hannah teaching Lily to ride a Bike

Moments like this really make me proud!

Edible Math

Simple math project!

The kids counted these Starburst jelly beans out eating until the end. Then, Hannah had to do the hard work: make a pictograph.

The "Ya-Ya" sisterhood!

Black hole

Wow! I'm meditating on the significance of the black hole.
Context, please.

Very recently, I was confronted with a black hole of my own. It was/is the selfish sin nature that gravitates everything to it's center only to destroy them.
Seriously, through tears, I confessed to Jason that I was feeling an ugliness within me that was heartless, lifeless and it was draining all the life around me. I was becoming black. This season I'm in is one of testing, it seems. Not "Oh no, I broke my nail" kindof tests. Serious stuff. I'm being tested against myself.
The message spoken by my pastor today was pertaining to self-examination. Self-examination is a constant necessity. It precedes humbling ourselves. And, I have discovered that if I do not humble myself, my Father God is forced to do it for me out of His merciful Love!
Of course, after that self-examination and confession to Jason and before God, I was restored. The black hole's drawing power diminished.
It reminds me of the cliché that we all have a God-shaped hole in us. I don't know if this all fits together, drawing a proper analogy, but I know that God can restore the blackest of souls.